FIRST OPEN KIGAMI BIRAKI SEMINAR took place this past weekend led by Shihan Imtiaaz Abdulla – (UWMAF Executive Chairman) together with Shihan Simon Mogano – (UWMAF CEO, IBU Branch Chief), with the support of Roxanne Cassim – (UWMAF COO), Shike Bertoletti – (Ju Jitsu) and Shihan Vicky – (Krav Maga).
This joint event was well attended both in-person at the Norwood Recreation Centre and online stream by a mixed bag of martial arts enthusiast, parents, and practitioners from IBU Kyodokyokushin, IKKO, Ju Jitsu, Kobudo, Krav Maga and Kickboxing.
The 3 hour Coaching program consisted of four sessions covering :
1. Kihon, Kata and Bunkai
2.Technical and tactical content.
3. Energy management, Speed and Power.
4. 60 Seconds Knock-Out!
These open initiatives are aimed at ALL PROGRESSIVE full-contact and semi-contact styles looking to break the mold, to create and develop relationships that exhibit an open, fair, integrated process that foster collaboration and encourage expanding connections, resources sharing and developing martial arts while creating end-user experiences beyond typical boundaries to achieve innovative outcomes in both Competitive and Recrearional Combat Sports in Africa and Globaly.