Meet us and join us
IBU KyodoKyokushin organise seminars and many other activitiies all over the World and have Dojo Operators on every continent.
The rule of three steps
this is our method
Contact with Honbu Dojo
Send a contact email to office@kyodokyokushin.org with your JOIN US inquiry. Attach a short description of who you are and a scan or photo of your certificate. You can additionally put your questions. Wait for a reply.
Sending documents by e-mail
Send back the received documents along with answers to selected issues regarding cooperation with KyodoKyokushin by the Honbu Dojo manager.
Joining after confirmation
Once the documents are confirmed by Honbu Dojo, verification takes place and, in the absence of inaccuracies is confirmed and admitted to the KyodoKyokushin Organization. The verification process may take time so please be patient.
About us
International Budokai Union KyodoKyokushin was create by KANCHO Maciej Misiak (black belt in Kyokushin, Kickboxing and Ju – Jitsu Specnaz). It is autonomic Union of Dojos and Organisations united by un-political and no financial cooperation. People from our Organisation take part in all competitions and seminars which are open for all styles. The main goal of KyodoKyokushin is sport fighting (Knockdown, kickboxing) and real self-defense. But very important are also kihon and its used in self-defense, and Kata.
IBU KyodoKyokushin organise seminars and many other activitiies all over the World and have Dojo Operators on every continent.

KANCHO Maciej Misiak ( black belt in Kyokushin, Kickboxing, Ju – Jitsu Specnaz ) has began training in Tarnow (Poland). During his practices in martial arts he was training:
– Aikibudo
– Aikido
– Karate Kyokushin
– Box
– Kickboxing
– Ju – Jitsu
– Combat
In 2009 Kancho had decided to go to Japan and get approval for create Polish IKO Sosai Organisation. He become the youngest Branch Chief in Karate history.
Next year has brought huge success in Shihan’s fighter and coach career. He became European Open Category Champion 2010, and his Team got second place. Then, as a first Polish Fighter in history he won 3rd place in Open Kyokushin World Championships in Tokio. In the same year he organised a seminar with legendary Sosai Masutatsu Oyama grandson – Akira, and IKO Sosai leader – Kancho Suzuki.
In 2011, the Mas Oyama Memorial Cup was held in Poland. It was first time when the Memorial took place outside Japan. The same year, Maciej Misiak won 3rd place in Kata category of World Kyokushin Karate Championships. He is still the only person in the world who got medals in Kyokushin kumite and kata on World Championships.
In 2012, on account of political aspects in Kyokushin, Kancho Misiak decided to quit from this organisation and finish his Kyokushin way. At once, Kancho has started his professional Kickboxing career. After several wins many people was asking him to come back to the organisation. They were very disgruntled due to politic and money aspects in Kyokushin.
In 2012 Kancho Maciej Misiak decided to create his own Organisation – the International Budokai Union KyodoKyokushin. His Organisation is still rising. There are already Dojo Operators from all over the world. He raised many national and European Champions, he leads seminars in many countries and he trains with 200 people weekly.
Maciej Misiak
Kancho KyodoKyokushin
座右の銘十一個条 Eleven Mottos
Some facts
member countries and registered members
Branch Chief
+ over 10,000
Associated members
Worldwide Leadership Team

Maciej Misiak

Teguh Suharto UtomoShihan
General Secretary

Juriy ZemskovShihan
Technical Director

Marc BrielsShihan

Dmytro Boklashchuk Sensei
Vice President