Message from Kancho Maciej Misiak after participation in KWU Winter Camp in Tunisia (2 – 5 November 20203):
„Keep Your head down, but look up” those words was most important for me durring my participation in KWU Winter Camp in Tunisia. No matter grade or position we always should be a students. Thats why it was big honor for me to took part in training sessions with Shihan Ryu Narushima and Shihan Alexandr Pichkunov, and in KWU refree curse. Also our Branch Chiefs from Tunisia, Algieria and Libya practiced in trainings with everybody else durring this event. This was my goal…to show level of KyodoKyokushin in training and hard work which was noticed and appreciated. I also had very constructive conversations with Shihan Pichkunov who in my opinion is great gentleman and budoka. In conclusion of this conversation, KyodoKyokushin members will take part in KWU events as participants and follow the rules of those events like we have done this time in Tunisia.
Fighters from 4 our member countries (Poland, Tunisia, Libya and Algieria) took part also in International Kyokushin Championships supervise by Tunisian Federation of Kyokushin and Martial Arts, and got many medals, showing the high performance of our Organisation. I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Taha Bagga, Shihan Ryu Narushima, Shihan Alexandr Pichkunov, Shihan Adel Karoui, Sensei Gousmia Hosseine, Sensei Ragab Algreboli and other Shihans and Senseis thanks to who I felt that I’m part of big Kyokushin family there in Tunisia. We will continue our hard work to Become better and better. OSU!!!
Kancho Maciej Misiak