Hanshi Bruce Haynes 9 Dan from Australia
We are very happy to inform that Hanshi Bruce Haynes 9 Dan from Australia joined International Budokai Union. Hanshi is living legend in Martial Arts in Australia. This is bis short story:
I have 54 years within the system, 9 Dan from Japan and I also hold a 3rd Dan in Ju-Jitsu
As you are await I’m a 47 Time World Champion
A World Guinness Book Of Records Holder
I’m also in the Australian Black Belts Hall Of Fame
Independent American Black Belt Hall Of Fame
Korean Black Belt Hall Of Fame
Have been offered the position of Living Legend in the Australian Black Belt Hall Of Fame.
I travel the World conducting seminars.
Welcome Hanshi and we wish You all the best on our KyodoKyokushin way.